Remake of a Volvo ad


I have made a new set with a toy car. And now the smallest so far! The scale of this one is ONLY 1:43, which is not even more significant than my hand.
The concept this time is the remake of ads - those images that I inspire by now are both ADS and Press images for the new electric car Volvo C40. 
The car is in a very minimalistic environment with a lot of colors. There are both round shapes and walls, small elements of ladders, and street lights.

The 1:43 opens up for" more significant" environments; the smaller the subject is, the larger can the total environment be - maybe it sounds weird, but that is pretty cool.

What makes this challenging is the car's details, which is number one - and this means a lot more retouching around it.
Number two is the paint job on it. this one have a rough metalic paint, which i think is the orignal for the real cars. The metalic makes in unrealistic in this context. A fun part tho.

Now we are working with a super tiny car with many aspects that need some work.

What is on the preliminary list:
as said; Paint job: The painting has metallic, and the texture is way too big, so I have to reconstruct it.
The car body - need some reshaping about edges to get more" sharp" and not so much rounded as it can be for toys.
Wheels - I have to change those wheels to real ones to get more realism in the shot. Those 1:43 is super rough.

What I have used to complete this shot is:
Pipes from the local construction store. (Bauhaus)
Shelves from Bauhaus
Two cans of Blue color spray.
A laser cutter to create the elements.
A tiny bit of Plywood.
A Volvo toy car
A camera
Some lights: I used 2 Amaran Cob 60d, I Godox light, and 1 Aperture MC light to pain in some light on the car.

The lightning is about 4 exposures for the car:
One is light paint for the car, so its smooth and well lited.
One is specific on the back
One for the front
The last one is a reflection short for the roof to get a nice surface without distractions.

I have flaged one strobe which makes the light beam from the left.
And i have two fill lights pointed to the roof to just increase the light into the frame.

The execution of this image turned out well. I did not expect this result when I began because of that tiny scale.
It needs some more work on the car, but it paid off.

I have another miniature project around the corner that I am looking forward to creating. This time a 1:18 scale and an iconic car. A sports car.

In the meantime; All the best

Martin Palm

Martin Palm helps brand and people with better pictures.
Martin also provides a large number of high quality assets for photographers, retouchers and other artists.

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